Just received an advance copy of Rogues' Gallery by John Oller. (Disclosure: It was my enjoyable and satisfying task to serve as one of the editors of the manuscript.) What an impressive work of history! Oller delivers a meticulously detailed account of New York City's near-simultaneous Gilded Age revolutions in policing and in crime/organized crime. The story deals with police officials, detectives, politicians, hoodlums, killers and racketeers. Including photos and maps, the discussion weighs in at about 400 pages, with an additional 80-plus pages for the endnotes and bibliography and 19 pages of index. The book is scheduled for release by the Dutton imprint of Penguin Random House on Sept. 21. Pre-order price on Amazon is $27.99 for hardcover and $16.99 for Kindle ebook.
https://www.amazon.com/Rogues-Gallery-M ... s_li_ss_tl
Rogues' Gallery by John Oller
Rogues' Gallery by John Oller
- Tom Hunt